Many times in our life we plan for a certain thing and it seems that life conspires against us to give us something else that we don’t really want. What can we do about such circumstances?
From my experience I have found that there is a lot one can do. And that you can interpret the circumstance positively or at least neutralise the negativity in it. You have to have the ability to reinterpret an event or circumstance. If you don’t have that ability then it will be very hard I think. But with it you can progress very far I believe. It’s similar to reframing.
So here I will put forth some examples from real life experiences to demonstrate the point. Being a believer in a higher power that is also of good nature ( you can call it God or the Creator etc) that has put us here for training/learning then this is how it works for me: say I was out on holiday and hoping that the next place we would go to was another beautiful scenic view but unfortunately the majority vote was to go into the city and the whole day became a waste of time. Here I can say I’m being tested with this scenario to see how I would behave. Will I turn gloomy or will I try to find some new way to combat the gloom ? So I choose a way to combat it. This makes me more positive and less gloomy. Eg you can say you are happy for the others , or that if that is what God has decided then I too am happy with this decision. You may be surprised by how many ways that you can find to uplift yourself when you have decided that being gloomy isn’t for you. I did this and the last trip of the day turned out to be so beautiful as we didn’t stay that long in the city centre area and they found time to go elsewhere. So there was a very positive unexpected result at the end of it for me ( maybe because I chose to reinterpret the matter and choose positiveness as the driver, not gloom. Gloom doesn’t tend to get us very far in life ).
Another example, someone came in a car saying there is a beautiful place and he could take us up in their car. We were just one more person too much to fit into the car , though and the place was not easy to park at, so instead of trying to exclude someone I interpreted it as a message ( from above) that we shouldn’t go to that place. People were ok with this and we then found another beautiful area for all of us.
The last example with my son not being able to get out of a contract he signed for a university accommodation place. He was trying to find someone that could take his place but was finding it hard as no one had replied to his ad about the issue. I told him maybe this accommodation is actually good for you even though you think the other is best. Maybe the higher power is sending a message to keep with that place? So I told him to keep trying to find a replacement but if he couldn’t it means that there maybe be a message for you. So instead of changing reality change instead yourself to accept this place and believe that God is saying it is better for you. This way the unhappiness is gone ! (Hopefully).
So basically always look for another message possibly being sent to you. The higher power trying to guide you to a better pathway even though you may not have thought so. Keep an open mind. Be aware of another presence communicating with you in subtle ways to help you and teach you in your journey on this planet.
Ali Twaij
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